City of Westminster Council support schemes for businesses

A polite reminder from Westminster City Council on their support schemes for businesses, recently updated. A bespoke energy savings plan worth £500 is available for SMEs to take advantage of. More information
London Business Hub’s Property Advice Service

Westminster City Council are promoting London Business Hub’s Property Advice Service. Two upcoming webinars aimed at SMEs will present advice on how to navigate rent negotiations, handling talks with your Local Authority, how to use arbitration services to break an impasse in rent negotiations and how to negotiate an exit from a current lease/licence commitment. […]
CCTV trialled in hotspot areas to catch fly tippers abandoning household and building waste

Westminster City Council are aiming to tackle flytippers via CCTV in known hotspots which includes Fitzrovia. The council are trailing both CCTV and AI technology in order to kerb flytipping in three notorious areas. The council’s aim is not only to deter such offences, but also to interact with local businesses and residents encouraging them […]
Night Safety in Westminster

Westminster City Council is launching a Night Safety initiative for the borough, consisting of six core pillars to assist women’s wellbeing in nightlife activities. The council are utilising a combination of on-street presence, behavioural change interventions, engagement and training with businesses and research with a diverse range of women who use the West End to […]