Managing this area cannot be done piecemeal. It requires a co-ordinated and cohesive approach and this is what The Fitzrovia Partnership does so effectively. The area would look very different without them.
John Bonning, Board Member,
The Building Centre

David Whittleton

Lee Lyons
Chief Operating Officer
is a
representing around 250 businesses
on the Camden side of Fitzrovia.
The Fitzrovia Partnership is a Business Improvement District representing around 250 businesses on the Camden side of Fitzrovia.
Since our establishment in 2012, we have successfully invested over £10m of BID levy directly into the area to support the themes and shared priorities of our members. Over that period, we have matured in our influence and ability to affect positive change, delivering tangible results and return on investment that includes over £6m in business cost savings alone.
In July 2022, we secured our second successful renewal ballot giving us a mandate until 2027. Working with stakeholders such as the police, TfL and local councils, we would like to expand our offering to all businesses in Fitzrovia and set up a sister BID in West Fitzrovia, from the Camden borough to Great Portland Street. This will ensure that all businesses in the area receive the same benefits, support and enhanced activities, regardless of the borough boundary. It will also fill the gap where no BID currently exists in the area north of Oxford Street.
There are over 60 BIDs in London alone and 17 just in Westminster, meaning that all of our surrounding commercial districts benefit from having a BID.
We will provide the business community with a collective voice and the ability to influence and shape the future by lobbying on behalf of businesses regarding taxation, business costs and other business critical issues. We will act as a catalyst to promote public and private investment into projects which enhance the neighbourhood and fund services which add value to West Fitzrovia and its business community.
The West Fitzrovia BID embraces several representative sector groups – office, both individual tenants and those in shared office spaces, hotel and hospitality, retail, leisure, community and property, along with statutory and community groups. They all will have a role within the West Fitzrovia BID’s governance structure and decision-making process.